Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

For those of you who don't live in Charlotte, allow me to explain. You see, this city is not built to handle snow. As you may remember, I have already posted about the ridiculous snow day of January. As it turns out, we had another one since then.

In states that are accustomed to snow, snow days are built into the schedule, allowing the schools to miss a certain amount of days without having to make them up.

However, here in Charlotte, we have lost two teacher work-days in order to make up for lost time. I won't bore you with the details, because to be honest, I don't understand them. But essentially, I now have to go in for a workday on my first day of Spring Break.

The first three days of Spring Break were supposed to be the make-ups days, but I guess the community thought that was a bad idea, so just the teachers have to come in.

Now, this left us with a major problem yesterday as all of the news channels were calling for 4-8 inches on snow overnight. So last night at about ten, the superintendent decided to cancel school for today and will be asking the Board to approve Memorial Day as the next make-up day, making today, Monday, March 2, a holiday for all staff and students.

So, Happy Memorial Day everybody!

This year, my birthday happens to fall on Memorial Day. Does this mean I should have cake and ice cream tonight to celebrate?


Jennie said...

Have your cake and ice cream!!!

k.young said...

YES! Any reason to have cake and ice cream is a good one! :)
When are you coming to visit again?

merathon said...

happy birthday, jenny! had we known, we would have had some cake and ice cream in honor of your big day! i have to say that i was pretty bummed about it too-- would i rather have the kids home from school on a day where we can't do much cuz it's barely above freezing outside or on a day at the end of may when it's bound to be beautiful outside? hmmmmmm. . . tough choice.

Jess Christensen said...

I'm glad we can be blog friends! I already read your blog :) I think it's called "stalking" though when the other person doesn't know it's happening :) So, sorry about that :) Happy Memorial Day!