Sunday, January 8, 2012

Here we go again

Let’s rewind to 2009 for a second when I wrote some pretty serious blasphemies against Eve in this post. I feel the urge to curse her again. Yes, folks, I’m pregnant again. Which explains my disappearance from cataloging our family life on this here blog. And why do I sometimes curse against Eve? Because I’m sick. And tired. And sick.

I’m only 9 1/2 weeks along, but we had an ultrasound last week (I think it was our doctor’s way of giving another doctor some special treatment even though we have to pay for it), we feel pretty confident in telling the world. We told our families on Christmas (my parents on Christmas Eve because they saw vomiting first hand) and have been telling people here and there, but I guess it’s official once you put it on the internet.

So far this pregnancy has been very different than my first. I’m still sick, but at different times. With Miles, I threw up every morning until like 18 weeks. But this time I get worse in the afternoons and evenings, making dinner time and the “witching hour” very difficult. I remember being tired with Miles (often falling asleep by 8:30 in the couch), but not tired like I am now. I just have NO energy. I do a lot of parenting from the couch. And the floor of the bathroom. I often don’t change out of my pjs until the afternoon when I finally shower during Miles’ naptime, and then mostly I put on another set of pjs when I’m done. I don’t do my hair. I don’t put on make-up. And I don’t leave the house unless it’s to refill my prescription for anti-nausea pills, which don’t seem to be working like they did last time. Oh, and I surely don’t clean. Or cook. I’m utterly useless.

Luckily I have a husband with much patience. He surely doesn’t enjoy this time, but he does a good job at getting things done when I can’t. Like Christmas (more on that later).

But my doctor suggested a prescription bracelet, not the one from the tv commercials of people at the mall, but one he swears really works. Insurance doesn’t cover it, so it costs a pretty penny, but I’ll pay anything for some relief from nausea. Chris was actually at the appointment with me and seemed eager to get it. It’s supposed to be delivered to my door sometime soon, and I’m really hoping it works.

Even with all of the bad stuff, we are excited to add another member of our family, even if we disagree about what gender we would prefer. We might have to find out the sex this time so that neither one of us has a sliver of disappointment once it’s born into this world.

And here’s our little peanut with tiny arm and leg buds:



Kimball Family said...

Yay! Congratulations. That's great!

Jess Christensen said...

Congratulations! Even though you may feel like condolences are in order. I hate nausea.

JenRoth said...

This sounds exactly like my life right now, except I'm 17 weeks and STILL miserable. So while I definitely say congratulations, I totally understand that right now, you're probably wondering if this is really something to be celebrating. Supposedly they're worth it :)

Steve said...

I know it will be a girl, or at least I hope. A very very very girly girl. One who plays with puppets and also wants her ears pierced at age 4. agree right?!

~Ali said...

Congratulations!!!! I'm so sorry to hear you are so sick! But, that is such exciting news you are adding to the Johnson bunch. I hope the nausea doesn't last much longer. Congrats!

Emily W said...

Congrats Jenny! I chuckled a little when I read the NO energy part. I think that comes from having a toddler and being pregnant. I was SO tired that even when I was having an engaging conversation with someone on the phone, I would fall asleep. I felt a bit like I had narcolepsy. It takes awhile, but it will pass. I hope the bracelet helps with the nausea!

Erin said...

exciting news! congratulations. I am sorry you are sick that is the worst! hang in there!