Saturday, August 7, 2010

A future Olympian

Chris has been wanting to take Miles to our community pool for a while now, but I kept putting it off because they don’t make swim diapers small enough for newborns. And also, it’s really hot here. But I bought some diapers one size bigger than he wears now, we put him in the only swim suit we have (6-12 months), and we went over there after dinner.

He seemed indifferent to the water, which I guess is better than him screaming.

August 2010 023August 2010 075

I did manage to convince Chris that dunking him wouldn’t be a good idea yet. Maybe in a few months.  

We’re not sure if he can float yet. If he takes after my family, his forehead will be the only thing floating after about 10 seconds. But as you know, Chris was a swimmer, so hopefully he gets more skills from that side of the family.

August 2010 037


merathon said...

"nenny. baby. mee-mee." that's exactly what emery would have said if she was looking at these pictures with me. just wanted to make you feel like i was still there cuz i know you miss me already!

k.young said...

So cute! He is getting so big!!

Erin said...

he is adorable. i love that last picture!

Jennie said...

Jon really loves testing the kids' diving reflex. He thinks its so fun. Me not so much.

Ashley said...

What a cutie!

Brekke said...

So cute! I love the last one. Chubby cheeks are so fun!

Kimba said...

love it!!! and i totally agree, they look so much alike!

i don't float either. at least not on my back. i can tread water like nobody's business, but the back float totally escapes me.